I am so pleased to announce my appearance in the pantheon of printmakers featured on Ann Shafer’s Platemark podcast. We had an engaging conversation discussing my etchings and some of the sources that led to their realization, and I hope that you will find it entertaining and informative. Her podcasts on the printmaking ecosystem have featured several well known printmakers as well as in depth discussions of historical figures and movements in the print world. I highly recommend that you explore some of the other podcasts as well as mine if you are interested in the doings of artists currently working in the print medium.
In other news, the purchase of four of my etchings by the Library of Congress was at last finalized in May, as well as three pieces purchased by Georgetown University. After the Deluge is currently being exhibited in Rome along with 27 other select printmakers, and will be shown in four more venues in Italy throughout the coming year.
I hope that you will get a chance to view the podcast, and would be interested in any reactions you might have.