The Fearless Pursuit of Knowledge, 2025
Becalmed, 2023
Original Intent, 2023
Departure "The eye, like a strange balloon...", 2022
After the Deluge, 2022
A Kind of Flying - The Invisible Hand, 2021
Death and the Printmaker, 2021
The Young Man and Death, 2020
Encore!, 2020
Death and the Maiden, 2019
The Frailty of Realization, 2019
THE ORIGINAL SIN: You didn't eat first from the Tree of Life?
, 2018
Mendacia Ridicula (the Wheel of Ixion), 2018
Das Narrenschiff, 2018
Chasing the Dream, 2017
The Last Roundup, 2017
YEAR of the Rooster
(The World Wishes to be Deceived), 2017
Concerning The Great Ship
Running on Empty, 2016
Runner (Mom, Death and Devil), 2015
The Coming of the Cocklicranes
or His Kingdom Restored, 2015
Ex-Libris - In Absentia, 2014
Too Close to The Sun, 2014
Obeliscolychny, 2013
Abstracting the Quintessence, 2012
A Ticket to Ride, 2011
Safe, Clean, Cheap?Phaethon in the 21st Century, 2010
DREAMS Money can't Buy, 2011
Tempestuous Muse, 2010
Feeling a bit Lightheaded, 2010
The Ticker, 2010
Awaiting a Time Like the Present, 2009
A Post-traumatic History Lesson, 2009
The Anatomy of Melancholy or, "Le Fromage Reste Seul", 2008
Errant Light, 2008
The Mysterious Conspiracy of
Existence (hommage), 2007
Nonsense on Stilts, 2007
The Cheese Stands Alone, 2007
LOVE will Find a Way, 2006
The Enormous Solution of Continuity
in Every Dimension, 2006
The Long Road to War, 2006
Window of Opportunity, 2005
Title Page (God's Food), 2004
The Glass Coffin, 2004
The Peasant and the Devil, 2004
Death's Messengers, 2004
The Black Bride and the White One, 2004
The Rose, 2004
The Lord's Animals and the Devil's, 2004
The Bremen Town-Musicians, 2004
The Perpetual Riddle, 2002
Hooked, 2001
The Appearance of Things, 2001
Because It's There, 2000
In PURSUIT of INVISIBLE Reflections, 2000
The Inheritance, 2000
Epiphenomenon, 1999
An Elusive Delight, Pursued, 1996
The Equivocation, 1994
Melencolia, too, 1994
The Problem with Love, 1992
A Matter of Values, 1989
Regret, 1989
Untitled, 1989
The Fall, 1988
The Children's Hour, 1987
Evocation, 1987
An Appeal to Reason, 1986
Sight Unseen, 1986
Birdbrain, 1985
Exterminating Angel, 1984
Desire, 1984
Biology Explained, 1984
Duet: Why We Don't Eat with Our Hands, 1983
A Clockwork Parturient, 1983
St. George Progresses,
A Midsummer Night,
Specimen, 1980
Trio Juncta in Uno, 1980
Fooling with Mother Nature, 1981
Old General, 1981
Untitled(lyre), 1982
The Word, 1982
The Two Truths, Part 1, 1982
Apotheosis, 1982
Tree of Life, 1983